21 Survey Questions to Ask to Understand School Climate

Lara Fredrick

Take a moment and imagine a school in your district. How do you feel when you think about this school? Who are the students, teachers, and staff members you see? How do they seem to be feeling?

What’s going on in the classrooms? Think about the physical environment. What does it look like? What posters and signs are on the walls? Do the students and teachers look happy?

All of these pieces work together to create the school climate, a collection of attributes that inform how students, families, faculty, and staff relate to each other and the school itself. While each person may have a different experience, everyone’s actions work together to create the overall character of school life. This can show larger trends within a school district.

In this post, we’ll explore what it means to have a positive school climate. We'll also share some questions you can ask in a school climate survey to gather feedback to make your district a safe and supportive learning environment.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understanding School Climate: School climate encompasses the quality and character of school life, reflecting norms, values, relationships, and organizational structures within a school. It's a crucial factor in shaping student outcomes and experiences.
  2. Components of Positive School Climate: A positive school climate is characterized by high levels of respect, safety, social and emotional support, and a shared vision among stakeholders. Core components include school safety, strong relationships, effective teaching and learning, and a healthy, welcoming external environment.
  3. Importance of School Climate Surveys: School climate surveys are valuable tools for gathering feedback from students, teachers, staff, and families to understand their experiences and perspectives. This data can inform initiatives and interventions aimed at improving school climate.
  4. Survey Questions for Insight: A selection of survey questions from Panorama's survey instruments for students, teachers, and families is provided, covering aspects like feedback, behavior, safety, respect, enthusiasm, motivation, and learning environment.
  5. Resources for Action: To meaningfully understand and act on school climate data, resources such as Panorama's climate surveys are available for download, helping schools and districts collect feedback and take steps to create a safe and supportive learning environment.

What is School Climate?

School climate refers to the quality and character of school life. According to the National School Climate Council, it is based on student, parent, and school personnel experiences of school life and reflects the norms, goals, values, interpersonal relationships, teaching and learning practices, and organizational structures of a school.

Indicators and staples of a positive school climate include:

School climate is often used interchangeably with school culture and school community. While the three terms are related, it’s important to understand how they differ:

The Effects of a Positive School Climate

Decades of research consistently show what educators often see first-hand: a healthy and vibrant school climate leads to better student outcomes in academic achievement, social-emotional learning (SEL), behavior, and relationships. Today, researchers and education leaders consider school climate a key lever for fostering safe, supportive communities.

So how can educators create the conditions necessary for this environment? The National School Climate Center lists the following as the four core components of a positive school climate:

By working to improve each of these areas, school and district leaders can create a climate where students, educators, and family members feel safe, seen, supported, and welcomed.

Understanding Community Needs with School Climate Surveys

In order to take meaningful action on school climate improvement, educators need to understand the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of members of the school community.

A school climate survey is a great tool to gather valuable feedback from students, teachers, school staff, and family members. By elevating stakeholder voices, district leaders will gain important insights into the lived experiences of community members. And they'll be able to surface larger trends within the district.

District Summary - Guardian Survey Aug 2023

Survey results from Panorama's Family-School Relationships Survey (demo data displayed)

Feedback from surveys gives district leaders important data that can be used to identify areas for growth and plan initiatives and interventions for improving school climate. If your school or district needs help getting started, feel free to download and share our open-source climate survey starter pack. It includes Panorama's complete set of feedback surveys for students, families, and teachers and staff.

21 Questions to Ask in School Climate Survey

Based on the four elements of school climate described above, we've highlighted a selection of survey questions fr om three of Panorama’s survey instruments: th e Panorama Student Survey , the Family-School Relationships Survey , and the Panorama Teacher Survey . These questions can help you learn about the teacher, staff, family, and student perceptions of school climate.

Questions for Students

Questions for Teachers

Questions for Families

Pro Tip:

1. How can schools sustainably integrate school climate improvement efforts into their ongoing practices and initiatives?

Schools can integrate school climate improvement efforts into their ongoing practices by embedding them into existing structures and routines. This includes incorporating school climate goals into the school improvement plan, aligning professional development opportunities with school climate priorities, integrating SEL instruction into the curriculum, establishing regular check-ins or meetings to monitor progress on school climate goals, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement where feedback and reflection are valued.

2. What role do students play in shaping and improving school climate, and how can schools empower student voice in this process?

Students play a central role in shaping and improving school climate as they are directly impacted by the school environment. Schools can empower student voice by involving students in decision-making processes, creating opportunities for student-led initiatives and projects, establishing student advisory groups or councils, implementing restorative justice practices that prioritize student input and participation in conflict resolution, and providing platforms for students to share their perspectives and experiences through surveys, forums, and assemblies.

3. How can schools foster positive relationships and partnerships with families and community members to support school climate improvement efforts?

Schools can foster positive relationships and partnerships with families and community members by creating opportunities for collaboration, communication, and involvement. This may include hosting family engagement events or workshops, establishing parent-teacher organizations or advisory committees, providing resources and support for families to engage in their child's education, partnering with community organizations to provide wraparound services and support, and soliciting feedback from families and community members on school climate priorities and initiatives.

Next Steps: Resources for Action

Using a school climate survey to collect feedback from family, faculty, staff, and students is an easy way to understand what’s happening district and school-wide. Surveys offer an important opportunity to improve school climate in ways that matter to your community to create a safe and supportive school environment.

From our work with schools and districts around the country, we’ve produced a set of resources that will help you meaningfully understand and act on your school climate data. Download the full pack of Panorama’s climate surveys t o learn more about collecting high-quality feedback on climate from students, families, teachers, and staff this school year.